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Cell Phone Anti EMF & Battery Booster Hologram Info


Cell Phone Anti EMF & Battery Booster Hologram


(Electra Magnetic Fields) have been widely researched and questions about cell phone radiation safety are considered unsettled. Several research teams from various countries report a higher risk of developing brain and salivary gland cancer among high-volume. long-term cell phone users compared to people who use cell phones less often. Other research teams have found that cell phone radiation may cause serious problems in children, spur neurological changes in adults, and damage sperm.


This is all validated by 3rd party testing to reduce EMF SARs ratings by up to 22 – 40%.  Our EMF device absorbs between 12% and 36% of the radiation emitted from various types of artificially produced fields, keeping you less exposed. A third party testing facility;

RF Exposure Lab, based in California, has provided an extensive report on our technology reducing exposure on cell phone radiation. Electromagnetic fields, commonly known as EMF's are invisible electrical and magnetic forces. EMF's are a type of radiation that takes the form of waves. There are two types of EMF's, Natural and Artificial.

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